This article was first published by, and is reproduced with kind permission from the Family Support Separation Hub
Family mediation is a confidential process where an impartial third party, called a mediator, assists family members in resolving disputes and helps them to reach agreements on various issues such as divorce, child arrangements and financial matters.
While a voluntary process, following a change to the Family Procedure Rules, we are starting to see courts actively encouraging parties to resolve their issues via a non-court dispute resolution process, which includes mediation.
Unlike litigation, which involves going to court and having a judge make decisions, mediation empowers the participants to work together to find solutions that meet their unique needs and interests.
Here’s how family mediation can help families to reach agreements:
Facilitates Communication:- Mediation provides a structured and safe environment for family members to communicate effectively. The mediator ensures that each party has the opportunity to express their concerns, interests and viewpoints without interruption. Through respectful dialogue, family members can better understand each other’s perspectives, which is essential for reaching agreements.
Promotes Cooperation and Collaboration:- Mediation encourages cooperation and collaboration among and between family members. Instead of viewing the situation as an adversarial battle, mediation fosters a spirit of teamwork where parties work together towards finding mutually acceptable solutions. This collaborative approach can lead to more durable and sustainable agreements that are tailored to the unique needs of the family.
Focuses on Interests and Needs:- In mediation, the focus is on addressing the underlying interests and needs of each party rather than solely on legal rights and positions. By exploring the underlying reasons behind each participant’s requests, the mediator can help uncover common interests and creative solutions that may not have been apparent initially. This allows for agreements that are more comprehensive and satisfying for all involved.
Encourages Compromise and Flexibility:- Mediation encourages parties to be open to compromise and flexible in their thinking. The mediator helps facilitate brainstorming and problem-solving sessions where parties can explore various options and alternatives. This flexibility can lead to agreements that are more tailored to the unique circumstances of the family and which can evolve as circumstances change over time.
Empowers Decision-Making:- Unlike court proceedings where decisions are imposed by a judge, mediation empowers the participants to make their own decisions. The mediator does not make decisions or impose solutions but instead helps facilitate the negotiation process. This empowerment can lead to agreements that are more sustainable and satisfying for all parties involved.
Preserves Relationships:- One of the significant benefits of mediation is its ability to preserve relationships, which is especially important in family disputes where ongoing relationships are often necessary, particularly when children are involved. By fostering respectful communication and cooperation, mediation helps minimise conflict and preserve familial bonds, even in challenging circumstances.
Provides a Safe Space for Discussion:- Mediation can be an effective process even where there is a lot of conflict between participants, or where there is a power imbalance, or issues are complicated. “Shuttle mediation” enables participants to sit in separate rooms whilst the mediator shuttles between them. Where appropriate, participants can have the support of their solicitors in the process to provide them with support and legal advice.
Flexible:- Mediation is designed to suit the needs of the participants. It can take place on-line or in person, in the same room or (as explained above) in separate rooms. Where appropriate other third party experts can be included in the process to help participants to have the advice that they need to make informed decisions. Such experts can include accountants, independent financial advisers, pension and tax advisers.
Child inclusive:- Children can be included directly into the process. By enabling children to speak with an independent third party, this empowers them and gives them a voice which can help parents to make the arrangements that best suit them
In summary, family mediation is a constructive and empowering process that can help families make agreements by facilitating communication, promoting cooperation, focusing on interests and needs, encouraging compromise and flexibility, empowering decision-making, and preserving relationships.
Another significant benefit for those who chose to go down this route when divorcing, is that the overall costs of the process will be significantly lower than going down a litigation route.
By choosing mediation, families can actively participate in shaping their futures in a way that reflects their values, priorities, and unique circumstances.
Rebekah Gershuny is an accredited Family Mediator and founder of Evolve Family Mediation and a consultant Family Solicitor at Freemans Solicitors,
If you would like further information about recent changes in non-court dispute resolution processes, please get in touch by email to or phone to 01923 909343