Valentine’s Day on February 14th can be a painful reminder to newly-separated couples of what was, and of the potential uncertainty of what is to come. Ex-couples are encouraged to contact family dispute experts to access help for sorting out their future family arrangements on their terms.
“Evolve Family Mediation is ready to help separating couples through the annual Valentine’s Day roller-coaster of roses, hearts, shop displays, chocolates and so on,” says Evolve Family Mediation principal Rebekah Gershuny.
“The process of separation doesn’t have to be a nightmare – but we would suggest actively seeking information about the options available to you when separating.
Most people want as low stress and cost effective a divorce solution as possible. They also want one that takes into account their wishes when planning long term finances effectively so that they work for them, as well as the wishes of any children involved. And that solution is often family mediation.”
Family mediation is a process that helps ex-partners discuss and agree what will work for them as they look to make arrangements for parenting, property and finance. Our experts are ready to help guide ex-couples through and will provide critical information about future options, helping them to be – and feel – in control of the process.
It is important that separating couples don’t leave decisions about their family to a court – they may well end up with an arrangement which makes them legally bound to put in place a plan they really don’t want.
In addition, for many, the prospect of going to a family court can feel overwhelming. An independent, professionally-trained mediator can help you identify and agree long-term solutions, avoiding the court process with all the stress, delay and cost it can bring.
Click here for more details about the benefits of family mediation.