Many clients believe that mediation is not the right process for them particularly where they feel that they cannot sit in the same room as their ex. This may be because they have been in an abusive relationship, or they lack the confidence to express themselves in front of their ex, or feel at a disadvantage because they are less knowledgeable about financial affairs.
At the initial mediation meeting a professionally trained mediator will discuss all of your concerns, and in most cases will be able to offer you a mediation process that gives you an alternative to sitting in the same room as your ex.
Shuttle mediation allows the couple to sit in separate rooms. The mediator will shuttle between the rooms. This can take place virtually or in person. Where mediation is in person, arrangements can be made for different arrival and leaving times to ensure that the couple do not meet on the way to or leaving mediation.
Hybrid mediation is one of the mediation options that is particularly suited to high conflict or complex cases, as it facilitates the inclusion of lawyers directly into the process. In Hybrid mediation couples generally sit in separate rooms supported by their lawyers to explore the options and formulate proposals for settlement. The benefits of Hybrid mediation are that it is quicker and more cost effective than court proceedings and reduces conflict and supports and empowers clients.
Click here for more information about the benefits of Mediation including Shuttle and Hybrid mediation.
During Family Mediation Week there will be free events about how family mediation can help if you are separating.
Photo by Simone Secci on Unsplash